If you are an event management company and have already tried to get a merchant account for your organization you may have found this process challenging. If you were able to get your account quickly and easily, that's the exception to the rule for organizations in our industry and is likely a testament to your existing considerable success. For startup or early stage event management companies seeking their own e-commerce merchant accounts, more often than not, you will have found providers hesitant to offer you an account, because for the typical merchant account company, event management companies are considered to be in a "high-risk" industry.
Whether you have already applied for an account and been turned down, or if you are about to apply for the first time, we strongly urge you to use Practice Pay Solutions. They have been in business since the beginning of online e-commerce and while providing merchant accounts for all types of businesses, they have made a special effort to work and support speakers and trainers and other event management organizations.
They understand the speaking and training business and have worked with speakers bureaus and other organizations that support our industry. Every Signup Systems customer that has been successful in their application with Practice Pay either directly through them, or even when their own underwriters would not provide the merchant accounts, Practice Pay has hand delivered our customers to partner companies who have been able to provide the accounts. We cannot recommend them more highly.
You may not know this, but merchant account providers are actually taking a risk on you, because if they provide accounts for fraudsters or businesses not bound by integrity, the costs to them can be enormous. As a result, they enter into relationships with the companies they serve that includes a long term vision and dedication to your success. You're not just another number to Practice Pay, but a partner in each other's success.
If you are simply seeking a merchant account provider and have no intention of using Signup Systems software, please click the link below. However, if you are seriously considering using our solution, feel free to investigate below, but allow us to make a personal introduction when you're ready to apply.
Go to Practice Pay Solutions merchant account provider
for event managers